Saturday 19 March 2022

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable nouns (also known as count nouns) are nouns that can be considered as individual, separable items, which means that we are able to count them with numbers—we can have one, two, five, 15, 100, and so on. We can also use them with the indefinite articles a and an (which signify a single person or thing) or in their plural forms.

Countable nouns contrast with uncountable nouns (also known as non-count or mass nouns), which cannot be separated and counted as individual units or elements. Uncountable nouns cannot take an indefinite article, nor can they be made plural.


When a noun is singular and names a person (or, sometimes, a pet) whose gender is known,* then we use the third-person singular he, him, or his (masculine) or she, her, or hers (feminine). For example:

Friday 18 March 2022

Subject-Verb Agreement

Because countable nouns can be either singular or plural, it is very important to use the correct subject-verb agreement when they are functioning as the subject of a clause.

Subject-verb agreement refers to using certain conjugations of verbs for singular subjects and using other conjugations for plural subjects. This happens most noticeably with the verb to be, which becomes is or was with singular subject nouns and are or were with plural subjects.

For example:

• “My brother is back from college.” (singular present simple tense)

Thursday 17 March 2022

Some Great Lessons on Nouns

Nouns: Definition

Nouns are words that indicate a person, place, or thing.

In a sentence, nouns can function as the subject or the object of a verb or
preposition. Nouns can also follow linking verbs to rename or re-identify the
subject of a sentence or clause; these are known as predicate nouns.

The Subject

The subject in a sentence or clause is the person or thing doing, performing, or controlling the action of the verb. For example:
• “The dog chased its tail.” (The noun dog is performing the action of the verb
• “Mary reads a book every week.” (The proper noun Mary is performing the action of the verb read.)


Grammatical objects have three grammatical roles: the direct object of a verb, the indirect object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.
Direct objects
Direct objects are what receive the action of the verb in a sentence or clause.
For example:
• “The dog chased its tail.” (The noun tail is receiving the action of the verb
• “Mary reads a book every week.” (The noun book is receiving the action of the verb read.)
Indirect objects
An indirect object is the person or thing who receives the direct object of the verb. For instance:
• “Please pass Jeremy the salt.” (The proper noun Jeremy is receiving the direct object salt, which receives the action of the verb pass.)
• “I sent the company an application for the job.” (The noun company is receiving the direct object application, which receives the action of the verb sent).

Friday 25 February 2022

What lessons have you learned in life?


 Don't always assume that everyone should offer you help. If they truly do, great! 

If they don't, still respect their reasons... 

Learn from every situation and circumstance that the vicissitudes of life push at you. 

Your prayers are answered... just that God fix the answers to some page of your life where it shows reflection of His apt plan for you... 

Remember... there abound everywhere, people that have interest in listening to your stories... they're really ready to empathize... 

Be careful... not all of them would offer you help... they only listen to the stories covered from the pages of your pain just to have their pastime.

Learn to keep quiet...

Elephant and the Proud Rat


Many years ago, there lived in the community of animals, Elephant and Rat. The Elephant was the biggest and the most respected animal. He lived in big mansion and in luxury. Every animal regarded him. Meanwhile, there was a town close to the animals' community. The town is occupied by great men of valour; they're rich and subtle. No animal has ever visited the town except Elephant. This is because of a long suspended bridge between the animals' community and the rich town. The tiny legs of the animals didn't enable them cross to the other side of the bridge that's built with spaces in between the mesh of it's tied woods. One day, Rat summoned courage; he went to meet the Elephant. He pleaded with him to carry him on his back to cross the bridge to the other side. At first, the great Elephant was angry and later felt something fishy; he knew how proud and supercilious the Rat was. The Elephant later succumbed and agreed to help him cross to the other side of the bridge...