Friday, 25 February 2022

What lessons have you learned in life?


 Don't always assume that everyone should offer you help. If they truly do, great! 

If they don't, still respect their reasons... 

Learn from every situation and circumstance that the vicissitudes of life push at you. 

Your prayers are answered... just that God fix the answers to some page of your life where it shows reflection of His apt plan for you... 

Remember... there abound everywhere, people that have interest in listening to your stories... they're really ready to empathize... 

Be careful... not all of them would offer you help... they only listen to the stories covered from the pages of your pain just to have their pastime.

Learn to keep quiet...

Learn not to be quiet... 

Can you learn some lessons from what you're passing through now? 

Stop assuming that help should always come from your family/friends/bosses etc. It's actually great if it happens as presumed...

Can you just be the change you really want to see? 

Don't learn your lessons in life to requite...

Don't learn your lessons in life to be crazy and cruel... 

Don't learn your lessons in life to detest God's people... 

Don't learn your lessons in life to abhor either of your parents/friends/relatives based on the cooked stories you're told about them... 

Be positive... 

Be yourself... 

Be pristine in thoughts and reaactions...

True happiness does not come from getting what you want; it comes from appreciating the little God has done for you... 

Don't wait till you acquire all your heart desires prior embarking on nourishing your future now... 

Keep sowing seeds... 

You never knew the ones that will grow... 

You're closer to the success and victory than before... 

Keep your name sacrosanct... 

Your name is your identity... so that when the tide of pain and sorrow is over, you will have an unsoiled credit and virgin diadem to adorn the name.

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