Saturday 22 June 2019

The inspiring story of Asa

Aṣa (pronounced "Asha"; born 1 September 1982) is a Nigerian French singer-songwriter and recording artist. Her stage name "Aṣa" means "Hawk" in Yoruba.

Early life

Born Bukola Elemide, Aṣa was born in Paris, France to Nigerian parents. She was two years old when her family returned to live in Nigeria. Aṣa grew up in Lagos, in the south-western part of Nigeria.

She states that the city is "buzzing with energy but also home to a deep-rooted spirituality. Christianity thrives shoulder to shoulder with Islam in an atmosphere of

Friday 21 June 2019

Welcome...You can make payment for the selected course here!

*Please go through the available courses/programs in the school before registering. READ HERE !
*To register please CLICK HERE and register.
*Make a deposit or transfer the amount for the course you selected during registration.
*Make deposit or transfer into the bank account below.

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Account name = Ajisafe Tope Joseph

Account number = 0009754870


*Send sms to 07067827070 that includes...

-Your name
-Course applied/paid for
-Your phone number
-Amount paid/transferred
-Your bank name
-Time paid/transferred

*You will receive a confirmatory message immediately that implies you have successfully registered.


Saturday 23 July 2016

Requirements to Start a Record Label Company

      Take the steps to start your own record label.
Take the steps to start your own record label.

Some entrepreneurs are music fans driven to start their own record label company to become part of the music industry. If you want to affect the music being heard and create your own business, then you need to start a music label, according to Richard Salmon writing in "Sound on Sound" magazine. A record label company requires planning and hard work, just like any other business venture.

Business Plan

As you start your record label, you are going to need to determine what genres of music you want to deal in, how much startup money you will need and how many employees you will need to hire. These details, plus any other information pertinent to starting your record label, will

Saturday 16 July 2016

20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools


Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. But despite this almost universal interest, many schools are having to do away with their music education programs. This is a mistake, with schools losing not only an enjoyable subject, but a subject that can enrich students’ lives and education. Read on to learn why music education is so important, and how it offers benefits even beyond itself.
1. Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds.